Customizable Vehicle Fragrance Diffuser (CVFD)
The CVFD project objective is to design and prototype a customizable vehicle fragrance diffuser (CSTM scents) as an add-on to existing vehicles. The original design proposal was for a fragrance diffuser that can be implemented into the interface of new, high-end cars. However, with the time and resource constraints, the team was tasked with creating an add-on to existing vehicles that can serve as a proof-of-concept and can progress into a vehicle interface. This project was proposed by Terrance Dean, who stated that certain fragrances reminded him of memories. This product allows the driver or passenger to change the scent inside of a vehicle dependent on various occasions.
The team began with market research and concept generation to create multiple design ideas for an alpha prototype. After proceeding with two designs, the group conducted technical analysis and other calculations to help analyze feasibility. After narrowing the options down to one design, the team created and conducted alpha prototype tests to confirm functionality and make key decisions about different variables. Based on these results and advisor feedback, the team conceptualized and designed a low tier and high tier customizable vehicle fragrance diffuser to be used as their Beta prototypes.
For more information about the project please view the project website.
Students: Madeline Dever, Trevor Hinds, Shannon Maroney, Christina McDonald,
Project Sponsor: Terrance Dean