Biruk Assefa Gebre

Engineer, Researcher, Inventor, Educator

Welcome to my personal website. Here you will find information about my educational background and work experience along with examples of some of the projects that I have worked on throughout the years. I am a mechanical engineer with a specialization in robotics and control systems. I am also an experienced designer and enjoy applying engineering principles to generate novel solutions to challenging real-world problems. I am especially interested in working on research projects and new products in areas related to robotics, transportation, energy, and additive manufacturing.

PhD - Mechanical Engineering  (Aug 2018)

Dissertation: Holonomic Multi-ball Locomotion and Adaptive Gaze Assisted Control for Mobile Remote Presence Systems

Graduate Certificate of Special Study - Robotics & Control (May 2011)

Master of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (May 2009)

Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering (May 2006)

Capstone Project: Wave Energy Power Generator

Dean's List, High Honors

Honors & Awards

2016 Stevens Employee Recognition Award for Technology at our Core

2013 National Academy of Inventors Inductee

Session Best paper Award, CCCT 2007

Stevens Mechanical Engineering Senior Design Award 2006

2005 Technogenesis® Summer Scholar

Stevens Presidential Scholarship (2002 – 2006)

Interests & Areas of Expertise

I have worked on a wide range of research and engineering projects as a student and as a research engineer. These projects include the development of unmanned ground robots, software for real-time communication and control over constrained and variable bandwidth networks, systems for 3D mapping and surveying, as well as wave energy harvesting and power generation devices. As a lecturer and adjunct professor I have also enjoyed sharing my knowledge on various subjects with enthusiastic students and colleagues. My work and teaching experiences have enabled me to broaden my expertise and develop interests in the wide range of subject areas listed below.


Remotely operated robotics systems

Unmanned ground robots

Remote presence systems

Real-time communication and control 

Active stabilization control systems

Design optimization using ML

Design & Innovation

Novel locomotion mechanisms

Kinetic energy harvesting and conversion

3D scene mapping and visualization

Immersive UI/UX design for remotely operated robotics systems

Academic / Teaching

Additive Manufacturing


Engineering Design

Engineering Graphics

Modeling and Simulation

Control Systems

Additional information on my work can be found in the following pages: